Hi Alexey
Problems with the license in the MacOS version continue in the latest beta. I was now able to generate a working version after the first launch. While trying to launch a second time, the app says it need the serial number again and, after the right license number, it says that it cannot write the license file. It's strange because the license file it's already in the folder and it was successfully generated. I've detected that it's due to code written to the app package itself. Sorry to say that I used the following trick but if we substitute the app by a fresh one, with the license file generated, it starts just as expected. A second launch breaks it again. So the trick to use it, by now, is to put a fresh app in the folder every time before launching the app. Please revise this strange behavior.
I've tried to use it in demo mode in my portable and also presented some issues with my graphics card. Version 1.2.6 works fine with the AMD Radeon R9 M370X added to the OpenCL tab. Version 1.3.0, with the same settings, refuses make anything at all due to Open CL issues until we deactivate the GPU.