Hello Aleksey,
I have some problems with using dataset without reference with python script.
I need result in EPSG::3857 (it placed in virtual place near (0, 0) point and one pixel equal to one point in EPSG::3857 crs- but it okey for me.
In GUI mode all work fine. BUT when I do it in a script I receive huge map (about 1M x 1M pixels)
The question is how I can get from agisoft optimal size or resolution for export.
This is part of my code:
crs = PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem("EPSG::3857")
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
chunk = doc.chunk
chunk.matchPhotos(accuracy=PhotoScan.MediumAccuracy, preselection=PhotoScan.NoPreselection)
chunk.buildModel(surface=PhotoScan.HeightField, interpolation=PhotoScan.EnabledInterpolation)
chunk.crs = crs
chunk.buildOrthomosaic(surface=PhotoScan.ModelData, blending=PhotoScan.MosaicBlending, color_correction=False)
chunk.exportOrthomosaic(args.ortho_path, image_format=PhotoScan.ImageFormatTIFF, raster_transform=PhotoScan.RasterTransformNone, write_kml=False, write_world=False, write_alpha=True, tiff_compression=PhotoScan.TiffCompressionJPEG, jpeg_quality=90, tiff_big=True)