Спасибо болшой for the quick answer Alexey !
In fact we want to do a R post-processing called from the Photoscan Python script.
A colleague of mine started from your script
taken in this topic and we then looped. The scripts works quite good, thanks for that.
Here is our command :
command="/usr/bin/Rscript /home/feurer/0WX_en_cours/20161202_Fabrice_export_footprints_pscan/Create_polygons_footprints.R "+save_path
save_path = PhotoScan.app.getSaveFileName("Specify output file:")
The strange behaviour is the following :
When I put
within the script, I don't see nothing, whereas when I copy/paste the command within the Photoscan Python console, it works ... ? Any idea ?
Many thanks in advance,