Hi Alexey
Thank you for the quick response. Here are a few more questions.
The data sent to you is extracted from a .SEQ file. We store 8 images/sec, but skip 3 and 5 frames in the data sent to you. Any chance more images will improve the result (larger frontal overlap)?
Why does PS need the side overlap to align the images? What other options are available for aligning data sets with no side overlap? A low-tech solution could be mounting 2 thermal sensors on the same gimbal, creating a data set with the desired side overlap. Could this solve the problem?
I will send you a sample set, captured with a 640 sensor. It covers a small area, 1 flight line. Frameskip i 4. PS successfully aligns the images without any reference file loaded. If i compared the 640 data with the 336 data i sent you, the only "real" difference, besides the geografical location, is the sensor resolution. Is the conclusion that a 336 sensor simply has too few pixels, for proper work/output in PS?
Is it possible to use another pallet on the thermal images, creating higher contrast in the images for the tie points/alignment? I should be possible to save the camera positions, and import the images with the correct (greyscale/iron) pallet for the creation of the orthomosaic, once the alignment is successful?
Is there any help, in using an existing DEM og GCPs in the area where the thermal data has been captured?
If possible, i would like a quick talk with you via skype or similar. I dont know if you offer this service. Finding a solution for this issue i rather important, as is has a large impact on the way we collect data/plan flights.
Kind Regards