I need help to define in a definitive way to how photoscan defines its Yaw, Pitch and Roll... (the detailed convention)
The only definition I've found on the photoscan manual, is:
"yaw axis runs from top to bottom, pitch axis runs from left to right wing of the drone, roll axis runs from tail to nose of the drone"
I have already seen many posts here, but no one have a satisfatory answer for me
apparently, this guy define the orientation in the same way that photoscan defines:
http://danceswithcode.net/engineeringnotes/rotations_in_3d/rotations_in_3d_part1.htmlWhich is: "Tait-Bryan Euler angle convention using active, intrinsic rotations around the axes in the order z-y-x" (and in a right-handed system)
Yaw is along the Z axis;
Pitch is along the Y axis;
Roll is along the X axis;
(that seems to be in accordance with the definition in photoscan manual)
That can define the Rz,Rx and Ry matrices, respectively, and the composed rotation (R) is defined by:
R = Rz*Rx*Ry
Are those right suppositions?
I want to know if the elemental rotations are defined in the same way thatthey are defined in the first image.
I want to know that if I have a rotation matrix I can extract the angles in the same using the formulas in the second image
Best regards,