Hello Safa,
You can use the following code to generate the depth image (single channel) in the real world dimensions and also to create a greyscale image.
import PhotoScan
chunk = PhotoScan.app.document.chunk #active chunk
scale = chunk.transform.scale
camera = chunk.cameras[0] #first camera in the chunk
depth = chunk.model.renderDepth(camera.transform, camera.sensor.calibration) #unscaled depth
depth_scaled = PhotoScan.Image(depth.width, depth.height, " ", "F32")
depth_grey = PhotoScan.Image(depth.width, depth.height, "RGB", "U8")
v_min = 10E10
v_max = -10E10
for y in range(depth.height):
for x in range(depth.width):
depth_scaled[x,y] = (depth[x,y][0] * scale, )
v_max = max(v_max, depth_scaled[x,y][0])
if depth_scaled[x,y][0]:
v_min = min(v_min, depth_scaled[x,y][0])
crange = v_max - v_min
for y in range(depth.height):
for x in range(depth.width):
color = int((v_max - depth_scaled[x,y][0]) / crange * 255)
depth_grey[x,y] = (color, color, color)
However, it works quite slow, due to two loops.