the ipython notebook I am creating is more of a batch workflow. I write the batch script in one cell then run it (photoscan.sh -r script.py) in the next then rinse and repeat. Between these script executions I would like to view the current model or points cloud that I am building.
Can you tell me how you load the image into matplotlib? which format are you exporting then loading? Can you show both the points cloud and the model in 3D? Apologies for being slow on the uptake...
I have:
%matplotlib notebook
from IPython.display import set_matplotlib_formats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
set_matplotlib_formats('pdf', 'svg')
from IPython.display import Image, SVG
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
OSError: cannot identify image file 'actest/model.obj'[/quote][/code]
Mayavi requires VTK (as I understand) which is currently not installed on my server. Meshlab's last release was in Apr2014 but maybe that is an option. Blender is nice but I dont see how to embed it into a notebook, looks like I need to upload image to the site. Also noticed that Anaconda comes with a yt module that seems to provide visualizations but, again. Im stuck on the load step..
Appreciate any examples you might provide.