
Author Topic: adding more photos to an existing project, or using chunks  (Read 5306 times)


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adding more photos to an existing project, or using chunks
« on: June 09, 2014, 07:52:23 PM »

I have a photographed an object on a turntable using approx 80 images at 3 different angles using 3 different cameras, (240 images in total). I have just processed only the middle camera due to speed/time etc and its gone well but obviously i am missing the top and underside of the object.

My question is can i import the further images from the other 2 cameras and process them into the main mesh/project without reprocessing the original images or can I add them as another chunk and then align the chunks. I tried adding another chunk, aligned the images from another camera, build dense cld,mesh etc then when i went to align chunks nothing happened and the option to merge the chunks is greyed out.

Am i missing something or just really missing the point of how photogrammetry works, should I just start again and reprocess all the images from the 3 cameras together?

thanks a lot for any info


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Re: adding more photos to an existing project, or using chunks
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 09:27:19 PM »
If you're using a turntable you'd probably need to mask the object in the images and have very even lighting to start with. The 3D scene will be built on the entire image, not just on what your are looking at, and if part of the image doesn't change that can throw things out. Ideally the cameras should move around the object.

I'd include all of the images together. A more accurate position for each point can be calculated if it appears in multiple images from multiple positions.