Hi guys,
I have a question for you, GPU experts.
I am looking to buy a computer.
According to the Agisoft wiki, it is recommended to use NVidia GeForce GTX 580 or GeForce GTX 680 GPU.
So, I have chosen the GTX 680 GPU as reference.
After some documentation research, it appears that a SLI using 2 GTX 660 is more powerful than a single GTX680 for less money.
Then, I wonder why not use a 2 GTX 660 instead a GTX 680 with Photoscan.
Different thoughts :
- 2 GTX 660 are less expensive than one GTX 680
- the SLI appears more powerful
- 2 GTX 660 can provide 2 GPU instead of one with the GTX 680
Considering that the future SFM algorithm appear to use more and more the GPU computation, it seems interesting to multiply the GPU core number.
Finally, I can not find any arguments to not use a 2 GTX660 SLI.
Maybe just one, does/will Photoscan support this configuration ?
So, what do you think ?
Thank you in advance for you expertise.