Hi, this is my first time using Agisoft so I wasn't sure what processing time to expect, please can anyone tell me if this sounds right? My project consists of 133 images taken by a UAV at an average ground sampling distance of 4cm. The combined file size of all the images is 543 MB. I have 7 ground control points, each marked in around 15 images. The images are georeferenced including orientation information. My computer has Windows 7 64 bit operating system, 2.4 GHz processors and 64 GB RAM. I'm using Agisoft Photoscan Professional v1.2. I selected 'ultra-high' quality (with hindsight perhaps not a good idea for my first attempt!) and started creating the dense point cloud two days ago. It now says it is 34% complete, has been running for 45 hours and has 83 hours to go. Also, the time remaining has increased, because yesterday it said it had 55 hours to go. Does this length of processing time sound normal for a project of this size?
Thank you very much,
PS I have created a dense point cloud from the same images using the UAV's software (Sensefly Pix4D) and it took around 2 hours.