
Author Topic: Camera calibration database (fisheye)  (Read 4724 times)

Yoann Courtois

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Camera calibration database (fisheye)
« on: March 07, 2017, 11:09:11 AM »
Hi everyone !

I'm currently doing my Master Thesis in Photogrammetric survey development during which I try to optimise workflow and efficiency in different types of application in geodetic surveying.
From some applications we usually use a fisheye camera (GoPro Hero4) which give us a safe overlapping between pictures and keep enough accuracy of measurement.

But, for now, in each project we create, and in each chunk of each project, we need to set the camera calibration as "fisheye". (We currently don't have manual calibration so we let it free to calculate automatic calibration parameters).

It would be nice if at some point this set up become automatic, because we often forget this set up at the end of the day when coming back from field survey, so we have to calculate everything again the day after once the right camera type is set.

Different proposals:
- Automatic recognition of "GoPro Hero4" camera and automatic set up to "fisheye"
- Database generation of our cameras, which we can attach to PhotoScan so that the software can get informations about camera used in a new project (Precalibrated cameras or not).
- Or in a first time, the possibility to set up the camera calibration of every chunk of a same project in the same time. (Currently, we have to set up "fisheye" in each chunk where GoPro is used, one by one)

Thanks for your help !
R&D Engineer in photogrammetric process and mobile application