I am writing a script version 1.2.6 that would load reference from a text file (tab delimited) with nxyzabc information using following code
chunk.loadReference(file, 'csv' , 'nxyzabc', '\t', group_delimiters=False, skip_rows=1)
I get following encoding error in console:
2017-03-17 02:52:52 File "C:/Users/paul.pelletier/Documents/Photoscan/Importeoypr_files_chunks.py", line 29
2017-03-17 02:52:52 SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code starting with '\xa0' in file C:/Users/paul.pelletier/Documents/Photoscan/Importeoypr_files_chunks.py on line 29, but no encoding declared; see
http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ for details
Any help?