Since using Agisoft exported textures in combination with Mudbox and Photoshop, I now know that you have to use non lossy file formats like .TIF with Mudbox. The problem is exported .TIF files from Agisoft have built in UV island cut out:

Which is actually very useful but the problem is there is no UV border bleed, which can lead to nasty mipping and border artifacts (please notice above line)

Because Agisoft creates smooth blended textures which is great in .JPG mode as images aren't pre cut when loaded into Phosothop or Mudbox. Which is also great but because of these we need no border pixel bleed in this format. But we do for others that pre cut images.

So if possible it would be great to be able to define Edge Bleed Pixel amount on texture generation/export, in pixels from 0-200+. Or have the ability to make sure .TIF aren't pre cut UV islands but include a Mask to do so.
I hope that makes sense.