I have a dense cloud.
I've written this Python code:
import os, PhotoScan
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
chunk = doc.chunk
chunk.dense_cloud.classifyGroundPoints(max_angle= 15, max_distance = 0.1, cell_size = 1)
So I open my .psx file with the dense cloud and I run this script.
However i get this error:
Finished processing in 0 sec (exit code 0)
Error: Unreferenced chunk
i've also tried to do quite the same thing by going to Tools > Dense Cloud > .. But Classify Ground Points is not avalaible (I can't click on it).
My project is not georeferenced (I don't need it). Maybe this is the problem ?!
I also have scale bars, maybe they could be helpful to create a fake Z ? (just an idea, not sure it could work)
Thank you for your answers!