Just read that thread:
http://www.agisoft.ru/forum/index.php?topic=677.0The quality of the smooth reconstruction method could be improved if PhotoScan would only place polygons near to a point of the pointcloud. The distance should be defined the user.
If PhotoScan was able to calculate the density of every point inside the pointcloud there could be a second user defined variable to produce only polygons near to specific density of the pointcloud.
For that method it would be nice that the user could place or duplicate&move extra-points just to be sure that there will be no holes. As an automatic method it should be easy to convert fast generated Lowest/Low/Mid-Poly-Meshes into ("extra-") point-clouds.
Positive: Better geometry-quality - few less polys but much more space on the UV (increased texture-quality).
Negative: That method could create some holes (no watertight mesh).
I hope you like this idea of quality-improvement.
It?s a little bit like masking in the third dimension.
Hope to get feedback from Alexey or other PhotoScan-users.
Kind regards