I've been experimenting with fixed camera models vs letting PS derive the model during alignment and optimization, and I have a few related questions about aligning and realigning and camera model parameters. Mostly the question is due to the time it takes to go through the whole alignment process, since I have to re-match images and the like.
1) is it necessary to re-align the images if I change the camera model, or can I accomplish the same results just by changing the model, then optimizing the alignment? I am curious both for the case where I start with a default model, and where I start with a pre-calibrated model and forget to check "fixed"
2) - mostly if the answer to (1) is "No" - if I start with the default camera model, align the images, then import a fixed model and optimize, I don't have to re-align everything. Is there a way to "Save" the points that are picked, or in other words, remember the pairs that are analyzed, from alignment to alignment?
3) I noticed when I forget to check "fixed" on my pre-calibrated model, that k1,k2,k3,f(x),f(y),c(x),c(y) all changed, but k4, p1,p2 did not - during the initial alignment. Is this desired behavior, or should k4,p1,p2 also change?