Hi !
I usually work with UAV pictures which are georeferenced in WGS 84 global coordinates system with a metric accuracy.
But, as I want to accurately georeference my models in french RGF / CC46 projected coordinates system, I used GCPs known in this system.
As well, I don't want my vertical coordinate to be in ellipsoid height, so I've downloaded the NGF-IGN69 geoid model on PhotoScan website as it is the used vertical datum in France. I've created my own system in PhotoScan by merging RGF / CC46 system and NGF-IGN69 vertical datum. Looks good !
But, when I convert pictures coordinates from WGS84 system to RGF / CC46 - IGN69 system, I have a big problem with Z coordinate. Here is an example with a flat survey 30m above a flat area:
- Average altitude of pictures according to EXIF data (WGS84) = 88m
- Average altitude of pictures after convertion (RGF / CC46 - IGN 69) = 38.50m
- Average altitude I should get = Average altitude of the floor (RGF / CC46 - IGN 69) + flight height = 175 + 30 = 205m
May somebody can explain me what's wrong in this ?