Dear All,
Many thanks to Jo for this script. Mainly due to the camera model change in the last (currently 1.2.4) version of Photoscan, I had to do some minor changes to Jo's script so that I could use it properly.
Here it is, compatibilty with 1.2.4 version of Photoscan on Linux 64bits :
# compatibility PhotoScan Pro 1.2.4
# saves multiple files with tie-points per photo pair -- Alexey Pasumansky (AgiSoft LLC) (great thanks Alexey!), Jonathan Lisein and Samuel Quevauviller (Ulg), 12/2015
# some very little modifications for compatibility with Photoscan Pro 1.2.4 by D. Feurer (IRD), 06/2016
# the aim of the script is to use the alignment result (tie point, camera orientation) of photoscan in the photogrammetric suite Micmac.
# the script export valid tie points and external orientation but no proper conversion of camera calibration is performed. The command Tapas RadialExtended ".*.JPG" ExpTxt=1 Out=PS2MM InOri=PS FrozenPoses=".*" will compute a proper camera calibration whithout changing external orientation.
import time
import PhotoScan
import os
import re # regular expression, form string manipulation
doc =
chunk = doc.chunk
Prof = 100
print("Export of tie points and camera orientation from Photoscan 1.2.1 to Mimac software : started...")
Ori ="How do you want to name the orientation database? ex : PSmax1000TP", "PS")
path ="Specify the output folder for Homol and Orientation database :") #Opens save-to dialog box
myint ="Do you want to export tie points? (or just ori). 0=no export of tie points", value=1)
if myint==0:
pathHomol = os.path.join(path+"/Homol/")
if not os.path.exists(pathHomol):
t0 = time.time()
OriBD = "Ori-"+Ori
pathOri = path+ "/" + OriBD
if not os.path.exists(pathOri):
point_cloud = chunk.point_cloud
point_proj = point_cloud.projections
# loop on every camera of the image block
for i in range(0,len(chunk.cameras)):
photo1 = chunk.cameras[i]
#camera.transform is the rotation matrix + translation matrix(= camera center). The following code ligne is a way to test if the camera is aligned.
if not photo1.transform:
#---------------------------export of camera external orientation
# rotation matrix
T = chunk.transform.matrix
#C = photo1.transform * PhotoScan.Matrix.diag((1, -1, -1, 1))# com Alexey :camera transformation matrix has been multiplied by 180-degree rotation matrix, since the direction of Z axis in camera system is inverted compared to the world coordinate system. but micmac have the same convention, so ok
C = photo1.transform
# compute camera center . no need of the photo.transform, used for transforming PIXEL location into chunk location.
cen_p =
cen_t = T.mulp(cen_p)
cen_t_prj =
# chunk.transform returns the camera position/orientation in geocentric coordinate system, but it is also necessary to use crs.localframe() function that will allow to estimate orientation angles in the point related to the camera center.
m =
R = m * T * C
# The rows of the rotational matrix should be normalized
r1 = PhotoScan.Vector([R[0,0], R[0,1], R[0,2]])
r2 = PhotoScan.Vector([R[1,0], R[1,1], R[1,2]])
r3 = PhotoScan.Vector([R[2,0], R[2,1], R[2,2]])
rot = PhotoScan.Matrix([r1.normalized(), r2.normalized(), r3.normalized()])
# for computing angles : PhotoScan.utils.mat2opk(rB)
# creation of orientation file for the camera (micmac format)
oriFile = pathOri + "/Orientation-" + photo1.label + ".xml"
file = open(oriFile, "w")
file.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n")
file.write(" <OrientationConique>\n")
file.write(" <OrIntImaM2C>\n")
# all these tags are useless in this situation but are still mandatory for compliance with micmac convention
file.write(" <I00>0 0</I00>\n")
file.write(" <V10>1 0</V10>\n")
file.write(" <V01>0 1</V01>\n")
file.write(" </OrIntImaM2C>\n")
file.write(" <TypeProj>eProjStenope</TypeProj>\n")
# Determine the calibration name. In micmac, the calibration file is named AutoCal_Foc + the focal in 1/1000 mm + _Cam- + camera model + .xml
foc = int(1000*photo1.sensor.focal_length)
model = photo1.sensor.label.split()[0]
model = re.sub('[-!@#$]', '', model)
CalibName = OriBD + "/AutoCal_Foc-" + str(foc) + "_Cam-"+ model +".xml"
file.write(" <FileInterne>" + CalibName + "</FileInterne>\n")
file.write(" <RelativeNameFI>true</RelativeNameFI>\n")
file.write(" <Externe>\n")
# AltiSol (flight altitude) and Profondeur (english: depth) are redundant info which do not need to be accurate here
# mm chose, un bug pour certaine image qui ne semble pas avoir de point ayant le identifie ci-dessous; mm solution que focale, je donne une valeur pour tout le jeux d'image, celle calculee avec l'image numero 1
if i==1:
tiep_proj = point_cloud.projections[photo1][0]
XYZchunk = point_cloud.points[tiep_proj.track_id].coord # 4 colums instead of 3
XYZchunk = PhotoScan.Vector([XYZchunk[0], XYZchunk[1], XYZchunk[2]])
XYZground = T.mulp(XYZchunk)
XYZground =
Prof = cen_t_prj[2] - XYZground[2]
file.write(" <AltiSol>"+ str(Prof) +"</AltiSol>\n")
file.write(" <Profondeur>"+ str(Prof) +" </Profondeur>\n")
file.write(" <Time>-1.00000000000000002e+30</Time>\n")
file.write(" <KnownConv>eConvApero_DistM2C</KnownConv>\n")
# camera position center
file.write(" <Centre>"+ str(cen_t_prj[0]) + " " + str(cen_t_prj[1]) + " " + str(cen_t_prj[2]) + "</Centre>\n")
file.write(" <ParamRotation>\n")
file.write(" <CodageMatr>\n")
# rotation matrix.
file.write(" <L1>" + str(rot[0, 0]) + " " + str(rot[0, 1]) + " " + str(rot[0, 2]) + "</L1>\n")
file.write(" <L2>" + str(rot[1, 0]) + " " + str(rot[1, 1]) + " " + str(rot[1, 2]) + "</L2>\n")
file.write(" <L3>" + str(rot[2, 0]) + " " + str(rot[2, 1]) + " " + str(rot[2, 2]) + "</L3>\n")
file.write(" </CodageMatr>\n")
file.write(" </ParamRotation>\n")
file.write(" </Externe>\n")
file.write(" <ConvOri>\n")
file.write(" <KnownConv>eConvApero_DistM2C</KnownConv>\n")
file.write(" </ConvOri>\n")
print("End of orientation export for camera "+str(photo1.label)+" numero dans boucle: "+str(i))
if ExportTP:
# create the folder for storing the set of tie points for this image
if not os.path.exists(pathPastis1):
# loop on all the remainder cameras of the image block (=chunk)
for j in range(i + 1, len(chunk.cameras)):
photo2 = chunk.cameras[j]
# is the camera aligned?
if not photo2.transform:
if not os.path.exists(pathPastis2):
# associative arrays = dictionary object class in python
matches1 = dict()
matches2 = dict()
for proj in point_proj[photo1]:
# the dictionnary index for this projection (U, V) is the track index of the tie point (X,Y,Z)
matches1[proj.track_id] = proj.coord
for proj in point_proj[photo2]:
matches2[proj.track_id] = proj.coord
# check if there are tie points which are shared by the camera pair
if len(set(matches1.keys()).intersection(set(matches2.keys()))):
# Tie point of the camera pair are stored in two (redundant) txt files:
fileHomol12 = open(pathPastis1 + "/" + photo2.label + ".txt", "wt")
fileHomol21 = open(pathPastis2 + "/" + photo1.label + ".txt", "wt")
# In photoscan, there are a few tie point duplicate in the sparce point cloud. Duplicates are not allowed in micmac. These duplicate have same value for model measurements X,Y,Z but different track_id.
# Dictionaries do not contain duplicate keys. The following code remove the tie point duplicates
for key in matches1.keys():
for i in range(len(list)-1):
if ss1[0]!=ss2[0]:
# same removal of duplicates but on the second matches list
for key in matches2.keys():
for i in range(len(list)-1):
if ss1[0]!=ss2[0]:
# loop on every tie points shared by the two camera
for tiepoint in set(matches11.keys()).intersection(set(matches21.keys())):
u1, v1 = matches1[tiepoint]
u2, v2 = matches2[tiepoint]
# u1, v1, u2, v2
fileHomol12.write("{:.2f}".format(u1) + " {:.2f}".format(v1) + " {:.2f}".format(u2) + " {:.2f}\n".format(v2))
# u2, v2, u1, v1,
fileHomol21.write("{:.2f}".format(u2) + " {:.2f}".format(v2) + " {:.2f}".format(u1) + " {:.2f}\n".format(v1))
for calib in chunk.sensors:
# generation of the calibration file / distorsion model "RadialBasic"
foc = int(1000*calib.focal_length)
model = calib.label.split()[0]
model = re.sub('[-!@#$]', '', model)
CalibName = pathOri + "/AutoCal_Foc-" + str(foc) + "_Cam-"+ model +".xml"
file = open(CalibName, "w")
file.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n")
file.write(" <CalibrationInternConique>\n")
file.write(" <KnownConv>eConvApero_DistM2C</KnownConv>\n")
file.write(" <PP>"+str( + " " + str( +"</PP>\n")
file.write(" <F>"+ str(calib.calibration.f) + "</F>\n")
file.write(" <SzIm>" + str(calib.calibration.width) + " " + str(calib.calibration.height) +"</SzIm>\n")
file.write(" <CalibDistortion>\n")
file.write(" <ModRad>\n")
file.write(" <CDist>" + str( + " " + str( +"</CDist>\n")
# set additionnal parameters of the calibration to 0, camera calibration must be refined in micmac on the basis of tie point and external ori
file.write(" <CoeffDist>0</CoeffDist>\n")
file.write(" <CoeffDist>0</CoeffDist>\n")
file.write(" <PPaEqPPs>true</PPaEqPPs>\n")
file.write(" </ModRad>\n")
file.write(" </CalibDistortion>\n")
file.write(" </CalibrationInternConique>\n")
t1 = time.time()
t1 -= t0
t1 = float(t1)
print("Script finished in " + "{:.2f}".format(t1) + " seconds.")
Many thanks again to Jo, Alexey and Samuel for this script !