
Author Topic: gap in the vegetation dense cloud from RGB-UAV survey  (Read 4175 times)


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gap in the vegetation dense cloud from RGB-UAV survey
« on: January 26, 2017, 06:22:59 PM »

I guess this is a problem you have allready encountered.

We are flying over a maïze field, the vegetation cover is then really important. The ground resolution is about 0.6 cm and the overlapping really high, as you can observe in the report (attachment)

We then reconstruct the dense cloud using the medium option and moderate filering. We compare the same area using the high and moderate (respectively left and right in the attached image). We have some gap in the high reconstruction... 

As my area of interest in the maize and I would like to have the best height estimation posible ! DO you have any recommandation in terms of configuration/ option ? Or even flight configuration for my purpose ?

Thanks a lot




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Re: gap in the vegetation dense cloud from RGB-UAV survey
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2017, 10:37:56 AM »
Hello Madekwe,

I am also interested in mapping vegetation cover. Was wondering it you now have a recommendation for the configuration of the dense cloud? should I use a moderate or aggressive filtering?

My UAV is flying at an altitude of 50m. and I am interested in creating a high resolution image to be able to identify some plants from the image itself, so it is ideal to have a good orthomosaic of it.




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Re: gap in the vegetation dense cloud from RGB-UAV survey
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2017, 01:28:01 PM »

From my experience it depends on your GSD, with a low GSD < 1.5 cm I recommand moderate.
The best solution is to test the different parameters on a small area using the region bounding box