
Author Topic: Importing GIMBAL orientation data (DJI UAV)  (Read 5044 times)


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Importing GIMBAL orientation data (DJI UAV)
« on: June 22, 2017, 03:07:18 PM »
Is there any way to read and, more importantly, write the gimbal's orientation (yaw, pitch, roll) data from DJI UAV's into the Reference pane for each image?

As a matter of fact I already managed to read the data for each image using the script provided by Alexey here. This displays the following information for each image in the console pane (see attached screendump):

AbsoluteAltitude (WGS84 ellipsoid altitude)
RelativeAltitude (relative to take-off altitude)
Gimbal: Yaw/ Roll/ Pitch (in degrees)
Flight: Yaw/ Roll/ Pitch (in degrees)

I would now like to extract the gimbal's orientation data and write this to the images in the reference pane to aid in the alignment. First I tried the below script, but this gives and error message and does not run:

camera.reference.rotation = (yaw, pitch, roll)

I then came across another post on the Agisoft forum, stating one could load the camera orientation angles defined using XMP image header by checking this option in the Preferences Window. So I did, I checked the option and re-imported my images. Indeed, values for Yaw/ Pitch/ Roll were indeed imported this time. But, they proved to be the wrong values. Instead of importing the gimbal's orientation values the aircraft's orientation angles were imported indeed.

So, how do I go about and retrieve the gimbal's IMU data? And, now that we are on it anyways, would it also be possible to import the RelativeAltitude rather than the Absolute Altitude? And, provided that I know the altitude of my take-off location (in the same Coordinate System as my GCPs), is there a way to apply some calculations on the image's altitude (for all images at once) to arrive at a more accurate approximation of the actual flying height?


« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 08:43:22 AM by BobvdMeij »


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Re: Importing GIMBAL orientation data (DJI UAV)
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 05:34:10 PM »
I find your questions very intriguing and hope to see feedback from others who might have a better understanding of this than I do.


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Re: Importing GIMBAL orientation data (DJI UAV)
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2017, 01:35:17 PM »
Really, no one?


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Re: Importing GIMBAL orientation data (DJI UAV)
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2017, 11:59:58 PM »
I guess you could copy console output to a text file and arrange it as desired by mans of a macro prior to import it from ref pane.
By the way, what type of  inprovement in performance or accuracy do you expect from aproximate orientation values from the IMU given that camera position is not accurate either?