
Author Topic: Extremely large projects  (Read 17566 times)

Alexey Pankov

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Re: Extremely large projects
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2012, 03:07:26 PM »
Mark, I think procedure you described is similar to mine.
It's just not necessary to build models in separate chunks. Of course you can build and export all partial models one by one in the same chunk. I clone chunks in order to have in the end all partial models saved in PhotoScan project.
When cloning chunks, instead of Save-Append approach I simply go for Duplicate option in chunk context menu.
In my projects I've always been able to align all photos in single chunk, I've never dealt with 6,500 photos in single project. So I'm not sure that separate alignment and merging chunks will not introduce any undesirable artifacts. However your procedure (steps 1-4) still should produce single chunk with all the cameras concordant.
And I also don't deal with OBJ-models. For now I'm using PhotoScan for orthophoto and DEM production. I noticed that if bounding boxes are adjacent orthophotos and DEM match precisely. If boxes were slightly overlap one may see small differences in overlapping areas on orthophoto and DEM. I think these differences are caused by tiny variance in mesh filtration. And I'm able to notice them only in comparison of two pictures.
I don't promise that you will get seamless model using this approach. But the mismatches should be minimal.