We are working on a project that import some 2D points on capture image as markers in PhotoScan,then got the 3D coordinates of these 2D points on processed model.All the process was done by using python script.
Now,we got some troubles.If we import markers via an txt file,the txt file includes the 2D coordinates on image.We use this way(marker.projection[camera] = (imgX,imgY)) to add marker on image,but it can't estimated the marker's position on other image unless you use the Right+Click>Create Marker on one image.Right click way can estimate the marker's position on other image automatically.
How to use python script to achieve the same effect in using the Right+Click>Create Marker. Just add marker on one image,then estimate the marker's position on other image automatically.
By the way,I confuse about the new python script API Utils.createMarkers(chunk,projections) method,the document show that projections parameter is the list of(camera,x,y,r)tuple,what's the r mean?