I'm now generating orthomosaics from every model I produce. The ability to review an underwater site in the comfort of your own home (and not get wet) is a great way of investigating what is on the seabed.
http://deep3d.co.uk/2017/08/23/bolt-bay-p47-d-crash-site/When generating an orthomosaic there are two choices as to what to base the results on:
I'm running a very large orthomosaic now (5 acres of shipwreck - 1 pix = 7.5mm) otherwise I would test it, but what are the differences? Any advantages over using the DEM vs the Mesh?
I am guessing it would be possible to generate a DEM from the sparse cloud and then derive the orthophoto from that, missing out the dense cloud and mesh, but would be interested to hear the experiences of others?