Hi Alexey,
I have a question regarding the MicaSense RedEdge camera radiometric calibration.
I have loaded photos, chosen to create multispectral, created manually the Calibration images folder and loaded the calibration panel images, masked them, but I am not sure that Photoscan is actually using the calibration images.
I have read the EXIF data and from the MicaSense I have got the reflectance information about the panel for every band.
I used that reflectance information in Calibrate Sensitivity setting as albedo (perhaps I made mistake here), after that sensitivity is automatically set in Camera Calibration/Bands and for every band, it is above 1, while black levels are set to 0.
The results I am getting are bad. After entering the albedo, all images look like overexposed, and the model is white.
Without radiometric calibration, it creates a good model.
Any suggestions?
I, too, am trying to figure out how to use the calibration panel images and would love some help.
Is it possible to get a quick list of steps?
I added a set of 4 images of the calibration panel to an existing project generated with a sequoia. They are automatically added to a "calibration images" folder in the cameras folder in the workspace pane. I added them as a
"multispectral camera from files as band".
I masked out everything except the panel in the image.
I run "calibrate sensitivity" and can see in the "camera calibration" window, under the "bands" tab that sensitivity for the green channel has changed, "normalize band sensitivity" has been checked, and the other bands remain the same (0 and 1 for Black level and sensitivity). Doing anything further gives wonky results.
What should I be doing differently??