Hello Sören,
The output of reflectance calibration is in 16 bit format according to MicaSense recommendations:
value 65535 means 200% reflectance and 32768 - 100% reflectance, so if you need to get values from 0 to 1, it's necessary to use Raster Calculator dialog, create several output channels (according to the number of input channels) and use the ratio equation for each band, then during export use Index Value option in the Raster Transform section...
Hi Alexey,
Thank you very much for your reply! Everything is working fine after I considered your notes.
Now, I have a few new question, which come up during processing my data with Agisoft:
1. How to import rotation data (roll-pitch-yaw angle) of Sequoia: For GPS data it works automatically but for rotation data the columns remain empty. Do you have any solution (e.g. batch script) to read from EXIF and to import rotation data for all images (TIF)?
2. Are the rotation data actually used during processing the image data?
3. Is there an extension planned to export radiance values (in physical units)?
4. Maybe not entirely correct for this form but: When I import thermal image data (TIF) from FLIR Tau2 the images always stay black after “Set Brightness”. With black images, it is not possible to work using Agisoft. What would be your solution here to stretch correct without losing EXIF data (with GPS, etc.)? Should I send you a few samples?