Hello cadm8,
In the version 1.3.0 the number of pairs for the depth filtering has a strict threshold: 50 pairs, in the later updates the limit has been removed.
Hi, that seems like a logical explanation! It's there a way to adjust the limit on the newer versions, or do you think there should be a change about this matter?
You can use the following line input to the Console pane to limit the number of pairs:
PhotoScan.app.settings.setValue('main/depth_filtering_limit', N)
Here instead of N you need to input some integer value, for example, 80. Hopefully, it would reduce the processing time considerably without any visible issues. I do not recommend to go under 50-60 pairs, though.
To return the value to the default (unlimited) value, please use "-1":
PhotoScan.app.settings.setValue('main/depth_filtering_limit', -1)