Hi Alexey,
I have a question regarding the MicaSense RedEdge camera radiometric calibration.
I have loaded photos, chosen to create multispectral, created manually the Calibration images folder and loaded the calibration panel images, masked them, but I am not sure that Photoscan is actually using the calibration images.
I have read the EXIF data and from the MicaSense I have got the reflectance information about the panel for every band.
I used that reflectance information in Calibrate Sensitivity setting as albedo (perhaps I made mistake here), after that sensitivity is automatically set in Camera Calibration/Bands and for every band, it is above 1, while black levels are set to 0.
The results I am getting are bad. After entering the albedo, all images look like overexposed, and the model is white.
Without radiometric calibration, it creates a good model.
Any suggestions?