Hello obw,
In which coordinate system in referenced current chunk and which one is used for the point cloud that is being imported?
In my last attempt I tried to set the chunk to the same Reference seting as the scan (.laz file) is: WGS84_UTM11N
This is the last errors, still did not work, see below and Attached images:
2017-11-29 15:08:04 unknown LASitem type 7
2017-11-29 15:08:33 ImportPoints
2017-11-29 15:08:33 Importing point cloud...
2017-11-29 15:08:33 unknown LASitem type 7
2017-11-29 15:08:33 Finished processing in 0 sec (exit code 0)
2017-11-29 15:08:33 Error: Can't import point cloud: E:/Prosjekter/Training phoenix/20170423-225543_miniRanger_A7R2/terrasolid/Training_Final_WGS84_UTM11N_Meters.laz
Hello obw,
The fix will be included in the next 1.4.0 update.
It seems that for some reason the provided LAZ file doesn't contain the information regarding the coordinate system.
Now it would be possible to select the coordinate system in the Import Points dialog (in case the chunk is georeferenced).
Hello Alexey.
I just tried newest build 5650 and I finally managed to import the LAZ file that I provided earlier. Although, it was not possible to select coordinate system on import (not possible to select anything in the import coordinate dialog), and it is not possible to set the bounding box and proceed with any workflow.
When trying to build mesh (source dense cloud) I get the empty region warning. Tried to reset region without luck, tried to zoom out and find the region but can't find it. Do you have any suggestions?
EDIT: Found the bounding box and was able to proccess the data. Was difficult to find though, would be good if it was easier to reset the box when you import a pointcloud. Still can't choose a coordinatesystem when importing the cloud.