
Author Topic: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release  (Read 325127 times)


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #300 on: December 30, 2017, 03:37:07 PM »
Hello bjb,

Some steps of the Build Mesh stage are using only one core, so it is not the bug, however, the long time may be related to the large number of photos in the set and model complexity.

Thanks Alexey
I'll wait a while longer then.

While not a bug it would be good if there was some indication that progress is being made otherwise it just looks like it has hung.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #301 on: December 30, 2017, 04:06:38 PM »
log file is too big.
Maybe you can provide its final part that is related to the problematic operation only?

Without documentation of the console log how can i know what is the problematic operation?

Log file from the start of the process is 17Mb. so it's hard to see how to cut it down to 512kb

I've cut out the repitative bits.  Hopefully I've left in the bits that can help.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #302 on: December 31, 2017, 09:50:32 AM »
Error: bad allocation

When exporting large files and When generating dense point clouds,The program reported this error。


do export 600w tie point ,I have 128g memory, the program only uses 8g,get this error。You know, the previous version did not have this problem 。
In the previous version, exporting large files on a small memory machine caused a memory error,And larger files (more 630 tie point)can not be exported。

dense point clouds

I have 1400w tie point,dense point clouds with quality = Medium, depth filtering = Aggressive, used Network processing and 16G memory per computer,get error。
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 09:53:00 AM by ruyi7952 »
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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #303 on: December 31, 2017, 03:47:33 PM »
I believe I'm experiencing some kind of stability problem with v1.4 Build 5532 Standard Edition.

The symptoms are that a very large number of Handles (16M and 31M on two separate runs) are created over time and my machine pretty much comes to a halt. By coming to a halt I mean unresponsive to mouse or keyboard.

Only one of the 36 available cores (core 2) is doing anything, it is at 100%.  all other cores are essentially idle.

It's an Intel i9 with 128Gb memory and twin EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC Gaming 11 GPUs.

This happens many hours (10+) into the photo alignment stage of processing a 7200+ camera model.

On one occasion while running the above mentioned big model I got impatient and started up a 2nd copy of Photoscan to build a mesh using the new algorithm on a model that I had originally aligned using version 1.3.4.  It was a  smaller model (3200 cameras). I noted during this run that again only core 2 was at 100%.  It got to a stage with 16,000,000+ handles that neither copy of Photoscan seem to be making any progress.  I tried pausing one then the other but neither paused or made any progress (no output to the console).  When the copy of Photoscan that had been running for 12+ hours was killed the handles reduced to 15,000 or so proving it was the long running copy of Photoscan that appears to be leaking Handles.

PS: Memory usage is fairly low (<25% of 128GB).


Hi Alexey

In the above quoted post I mentioned a problem with a large number of handles.  I've repeated my test and found the source of the Handles leak to NOT be Photoscan.  I hope that has not caused any confusion or unnecessary work on your part.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #304 on: December 31, 2017, 04:12:30 PM »
Hello bjb,

Some steps of the Build Mesh stage are using only one core, so it is not the bug, however, the long time may be related to the large number of photos in the set and model complexity.

Thanks Alexey
I'll wait a while longer then.

While not a bug it would be good if there was some indication that progress is being made otherwise it just looks like it has hung.

That's been 42+ hours since any progress has been noted.  I just tried to "Pause" and as you can see in the attached screen capture Photoscan has not paused.  It looks pretty hung up to me.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #305 on: January 02, 2018, 08:06:47 PM »
is it possible (if yes how) to have different versions of photoscan installed on the same PC and running independed from another


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #306 on: January 02, 2018, 08:59:00 PM »
is it possible (if yes how) to have different versions of photoscan installed on the same PC and running independed from another

Yes you can by install it in other driver or folder.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #307 on: January 02, 2018, 10:45:33 PM »
I believe I'm experiencing some kind of stability problem with v1.4 Build 5532 Standard Edition.

The symptoms are that a very large number of Handles (16M and 31M on two separate runs) are created over time and my machine pretty much comes to a halt. By coming to a halt I mean unresponsive to mouse or keyboard.

Only one of the 36 available cores (core 2) is doing anything, it is at 100%.  all other cores are essentially idle.

It's an Intel i9 with 128Gb memory and twin EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC Gaming 11 GPUs.

This happens many hours (10+) into the photo alignment stage of processing a 7200+ camera model.

On one occasion while running the above mentioned big model I got impatient and started up a 2nd copy of Photoscan to build a mesh using the new algorithm on a model that I had originally aligned using version 1.3.4.  It was a  smaller model (3200 cameras). I noted during this run that again only core 2 was at 100%.  It got to a stage with 16,000,000+ handles that neither copy of Photoscan seem to be making any progress.  I tried pausing one then the other but neither paused or made any progress (no output to the console).  When the copy of Photoscan that had been running for 12+ hours was killed the handles reduced to 15,000 or so proving it was the long running copy of Photoscan that appears to be leaking Handles.

PS: Memory usage is fairly low (<25% of 128GB).


Hi Alexey

In the above quoted post I mentioned a problem with a large number of handles.  I've repeated my test and found the source of the Handles leak to NOT be Photoscan.  I hope that has not caused any confusion or unnecessary work on your part.
Turns out there is a scenario where Photoscan appears to have a Handles leak after all.  See attached screen grab showing Photoscan holding 14,520,358 Handles while 65% (11:07 hours) of the way through Align Photos stage. I've upgraded today to build 5650.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #308 on: January 03, 2018, 01:09:02 AM »
I believe I'm experiencing some kind of stability problem with v1.4 Build 5532 Standard Edition.

The symptoms are that a very large number of Handles (16M and 31M on two separate runs) are created over time and my machine pretty much comes to a halt. By coming to a halt I mean unresponsive to mouse or keyboard.

Only one of the 36 available cores (core 2) is doing anything, it is at 100%.  all other cores are essentially idle.

It's an Intel i9 with 128Gb memory and twin EVGA GTX 1080 Ti SC Gaming 11 GPUs.

This happens many hours (10+) into the photo alignment stage of processing a 7200+ camera model.

On one occasion while running the above mentioned big model I got impatient and started up a 2nd copy of Photoscan to build a mesh using the new algorithm on a model that I had originally aligned using version 1.3.4.  It was a  smaller model (3200 cameras). I noted during this run that again only core 2 was at 100%.  It got to a stage with 16,000,000+ handles that neither copy of Photoscan seem to be making any progress.  I tried pausing one then the other but neither paused or made any progress (no output to the console).  When the copy of Photoscan that had been running for 12+ hours was killed the handles reduced to 15,000 or so proving it was the long running copy of Photoscan that appears to be leaking Handles.

PS: Memory usage is fairly low (<25% of 128GB).


Hi Alexey

In the above quoted post I mentioned a problem with a large number of handles.  I've repeated my test and found the source of the Handles leak to NOT be Photoscan.  I hope that has not caused any confusion or unnecessary work on your part.
Turns out there is a scenario where Photoscan appears to have a Handles leak after all.  See attached screen grab showing Photoscan holding 14,520,358 Handles while 65% (11:07 hours) of the way through Align Photos stage. I've upgraded today to build 5650.

Progress has stopped. See attached screen shot for Out of Memory error.  Handles had reached 16,711,680 and only 2GB of memory is in use.


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #309 on: January 03, 2018, 10:29:27 AM »
Hello obw,

In which coordinate system in referenced current chunk and which one is used for the point cloud that is being imported?


In my last attempt I tried to set the chunk to the same Reference seting as the scan (.laz file) is: WGS84_UTM11N

This is the last errors, still did not work, see below and Attached images:

2017-11-29 15:08:04 unknown LASitem type 7
2017-11-29 15:08:33 ImportPoints
2017-11-29 15:08:33 Importing point cloud...
2017-11-29 15:08:33 unknown LASitem type 7
2017-11-29 15:08:33 Finished processing in 0 sec (exit code 0)
2017-11-29 15:08:33 Error: Can't import point cloud: E:/Prosjekter/Training phoenix/20170423-225543_miniRanger_A7R2/terrasolid/Training_Final_WGS84_UTM11N_Meters.laz

Hello obw,

The fix will be included in the next 1.4.0 update.

It seems that for some reason the provided LAZ file doesn't contain the information regarding the coordinate system.

Now it would be possible to select the coordinate system in the Import Points dialog (in case the chunk is georeferenced).

Hello Alexey.

I just tried newest build 5650 and I finally managed to import the LAZ file that I provided earlier. Although, it was not possible to select coordinate system on import (not possible to select anything in the import coordinate dialog), and it is not possible to set the bounding box and proceed with any workflow.

When trying to build mesh (source dense cloud) I get the empty region warning. Tried to reset region without luck, tried to zoom out and find the region but can't find it. Do you have any suggestions?

EDIT: Found the bounding box and was able to proccess the data. Was difficult to find though, would be good if it was easier to reset the box when you import a pointcloud. Still can't choose a coordinatesystem when importing the cloud.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 12:39:48 PM by obw »


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #310 on: January 31, 2018, 04:20:08 AM »
Hi Alexey,

I've noticed that there is a new SHOW IMAGES icon in the main tool bar. According to the manual, it 'Shows or hides stereographic image overlay'. What is it useful for and when would you use it?



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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #311 on: February 01, 2018, 03:34:35 PM »
Hi Alexey,

 With regards to parrot sequoia

1) The sensor registers both IMU angles and irradiance

 It seems that this data is stored in the proprietary .dat files in the sensor. The camera exif data doesn't store these values.

It would make a big improvement to be able to access the information stored in the .dat file for processing in Agisoft. Will this feature be ever be accessible in Agisoft.



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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #312 on: February 14, 2018, 09:49:35 PM »
Dear Alexey Pasumansky,

first of all thanks for you nice brief instruction for the multiband-calibration.

I made everything like you said but regretably every time (and I tried it 30 times) i got complety wrong values for  the "black level" and the "sensitivity".

I checked everything, all panels are automatically regonized and also in every band, but everytime I only get black images as outcome. Do you know maybe a reason why? Maybe also some of the others can help me?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2018, 09:51:24 PM by Payne »

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #313 on: February 14, 2018, 09:51:19 PM »
Hello Payne,

Which build of PhotoScan Pro you are using? The reflectance calibration has changed since some old pre-release builds in the latest 1.4.0 version.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Agisoft PhotoScan 1.4.0 pre-release
« Reply #314 on: February 14, 2018, 09:54:33 PM »
Thanks for your fast reply! I'm using the complet New Version 1.4.0 build 5650. I also used the function to detect the images with the calibration panel and mask them out automatically and it works how you can see in my attached images, but regretably with wrong outputs in the "Camera Calibration Bands tab "