I have put that code in :
import PhotoScan
import os,re,sys
def give_me_a_name():
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
chunk = doc.chunk
# get the photo (.JPG) list in specified folder
def getPhotoList(root_path, photoList):
pattern = '.JPG$'
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path):
for name in files:
if re.search(pattern,name):
cur_path = os.path.join(root, name)
#print (cur_path)
def photoscanProcess(root_path):
#PhotoScan.app.messageBox('hello world! \n')
## construct the document class
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
## save project
psxfile = root_path + 'practise.psx'
doc.save( psxfile )
print ('>> Saved to: ' + psxfile)
## point to current chunk
#chunk = doc.chunk
## add a new chunk
chunk = doc.addChunk()
## set coordinate system
# - PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem("EPSG::4612") --> JGD2000
chunk.crs = PhotoScan.CoordinateSystem("EPSG::4612")
### get photo list ###
photoList = []
getPhotoList(root_path, photoList)
#print (photoList)
### add photos ###
# addPhotos(filenames[, progress])
# - filenames(list of string) – A list of file paths.
### align photos ###
## Perform image matching for the chunk frame.
# matchPhotos(accuracy=HighAccuracy, preselection=NoPreselection, filter_mask=False, keypoint_limit=40000, tiepoint_limit=4000[, progress])
# - Alignment accuracy in [HighestAccuracy, HighAccuracy, MediumAccuracy, LowAccuracy, LowestAccuracy]
# - Image pair preselection in [ReferencePreselection, GenericPreselection, NoPreselection]
chunk.matchPhotos(accuracy=PhotoScan.LowAccuracy, preselection=PhotoScan.ReferencePreselection, filter_mask=False, keypoint_limit=0, tiepoint_limit=0)
### build dense cloud ###
## Generate depth maps for the chunk.
# buildDenseCloud(quality=MediumQuality, filter=AggressiveFiltering[, cameras], keep_depth=False, reuse_depth=False[, progress])
# - Dense point cloud quality in [UltraQuality, HighQuality, MediumQuality, LowQuality, LowestQuality]
# - Depth filtering mode in [AggressiveFiltering, ModerateFiltering, MildFiltering, NoFiltering]
chunk.buildDenseCloud(quality=PhotoScan.LowQuality, filter=PhotoScan.AggressiveFiltering)
### build mesh ###
## Generate model for the chunk frame.
# buildModel(surface=Arbitrary, interpolation=EnabledInterpolation, face_count=MediumFaceCount[, source ][, classes][, progress])
# - Surface type in [Arbitrary, HeightField]
# - Interpolation mode in [EnabledInterpolation, DisabledInterpolation, Extrapolated]
# - Face count in [HighFaceCount, MediumFaceCount, LowFaceCount]
# - Data source in [PointCloudData, DenseCloudData, ModelData, ElevationData]
chunk.buildModel(surface=PhotoScan.HeightField, interpolation=PhotoScan.EnabledInterpolation, face_count=PhotoScan.HighFaceCount)
### build texture (optional) ###
## Generate uv mapping for the model.
# buildUV(mapping=GenericMapping, count=1[, camera ][, progress])
# - UV mapping mode in [GenericMapping, OrthophotoMapping, AdaptiveOrthophotoMapping, SphericalMapping, CameraMapping]
## Generate texture for the chunk.
# buildTexture(blending=MosaicBlending, color_correction=False, size=2048[, cameras][, progress])
# - Blending mode in [AverageBlending, MosaicBlending, MinBlending, MaxBlending, DisabledBlending]
#chunk.buildTexture(blending=PhotoScan.MosaicBlending, color_correction=True, size=30000)
## save the project before build the DEM and Ortho images
### build DEM (before build dem, you need to save the project into psx) ###
## Build elevation model for the chunk.
# buildDem(source=DenseCloudData, interpolation=EnabledInterpolation[, projection ][, region ][, classes][, progress])
# - Data source in [PointCloudData, DenseCloudData, ModelData, ElevationData]
chunk.buildDem(source=PhotoScan.DenseCloudData, interpolation=PhotoScan.EnabledInterpolation, projection=chunk.crs)
## Build orthomosaic for the chunk.
# buildOrthomosaic(surface=ElevationData, blending=MosaicBlending, color_correction=False[, projection ][, region ][, dx ][, dy ][, progress])
# - Data source in [PointCloudData, DenseCloudData, ModelData, ElevationData]
# - Blending mode in [AverageBlending, MosaicBlending, MinBlending, MaxBlending, DisabledBlending]
chunk.buildOrthomosaic(surface=PhotoScan.ModelData, blending=PhotoScan.MosaicBlending, color_correction=True, projection=chunk.crs)
## auto classify ground points (optional)
#chunk.buildDem(source=PhotoScan.DenseCloudData, classes=[2])
PhotoScan.app.addMenuItem("Custom/Batch Process", give_me_a_name)
# main
folder = "D:/03_UAV/QCNH/170906_QCNH_Q_Rom"
but I get the following reply :
2017-09-29 12:43:02 MAVinci Plugin: created with MAVinci Desktop for Win (SN: 81dc6ff3d850094195d55a1eea37cbfb, Steve McMurray, Thiess Pty Ltd, smcmurray@thiess.com.au) 6.0.b53776 at 13:16:35 06.09.2017 exported for PhotoScan VERSION:1.2.6 build:2834 resourceFile:MAVinciLib_1-2
2017-09-29 12:43:02 PhotoscanVersion: 1.2.6
2017-09-29 12:43:02 MAVinci Plugin ready loaded
2017-09-29 12:43:02 Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-09-29 12:43:02 File "C:/Users/smcmurray/AppData/Local/Agisoft/PhotoScan Pro/scripts/Agisoft Batch Process 1.py", line 124, in <module>
2017-09-29 12:43:02 photoscanProcess(folder)
2017-09-29 12:43:02 File "C:/Users/smcmurray/AppData/Local/Agisoft/PhotoScan Pro/scripts/Agisoft Batch Process 1.py", line 31, in photoscanProcess
2017-09-29 12:43:02 doc.save( psxfile )
2017-09-29 12:43:02 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'save'
Any ideas ?