Hello everybody,
I found this supergreat script for scaling and rotating a scanned model into a usable coordinate system, written by Richard on his site:
http://www.pi3dscan.com/index.php/instructions/item/agisoft-how-to-process-a-scan-with-projectionThe script looks for some markers, builds a coordinate system from them and rotates the scan-model to lay flat & scaled properly in the origin of the Photoscan coordinate system. Or maybe it scales & rotates, the PS-co.sys - either way, you can export your model to a next CAD system afterwards and have your model sit perfectly on the ground, with the right scale. Super useful and great, as I said

Now, I have changed his script it a little, to fit my purpose of scanning small objects on a sheet of paper with some targets on it. Unfortunately I don't really speak python, so a lot of the code is based on guessing and copy+paste from the forum.
So my script worked fine until a while ago, but now not anymore. I'm not even sure if it has to do with a current update. Maybe the syntax has changed, so now the rotating/scaling of my model does not work anymore? From all I found on the forum, it looks like some crucial things changed regarding the rotation of the Photoscan Region, but I cannot figure out what's the current way to solve this.
I have attached the marker-template and my script. Could anyone with some python/agisoft-superpowers take a look at the script and look for some obvious mistakes or changes in the syntax?
Thanks a lot!