Hello Milderinne,
The following script sample takes two pairs of markers (defined by their labels in the script body) and rotates the bounding box and coordinate system accordingly. The first pair defines vertical direction, the second pair - horizontal direction (OX axis).
In the attached example you can see the relative position of the markers used and the result orientation of the axis applied by the script.
import PhotoScan, math
def vect(a, b):
Normalized vector product for two vectors
result = PhotoScan.Vector([a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y - a.y *b.x])
return result.normalized()
def get_marker(label, chunk):
Returns marker instance from chunk based on the label correspondence
for marker in chunk.markers:
if label == marker.label:
return marker
print("Marker not found! " + label)
return False
chunk = PhotoScan.app.document.chunk
region = chunk.region
vertical = ["point 2", "point 1"]
horizontal = ["point 3", "point 4"]
vertical = get_marker(vertical[0], chunk).position - get_marker(vertical[1], chunk).position
horizontal = get_marker(horizontal[0], chunk).position - get_marker(horizontal[1], chunk).position
normal = vect(horizontal, vertical)
vertical = - vertical.normalized()
horizontal = vect(vertical, normal)
R = PhotoScan.Matrix ([horizontal, -normal, vertical])
region.rot = R.t()
chunk.region = region
R = chunk.region.rot #Bounding box rotation matrix
C = chunk.region.center #Bounding box center vector
if chunk.transform.matrix:
T = chunk.transform.matrix
s = math.sqrt(T[0,0] ** 2 + T[0,1] ** 2 + T[0,2] ** 2) #scaling # T.scale()
S = PhotoScan.Matrix().Diag([s, s, s, 1]) #scale matrix
S = PhotoScan.Matrix().Diag([1, 1, 1, 1])
T = PhotoScan.Matrix( [[R[0,0], R[0,1], R[0,2], C[0]], [R[1,0], R[1,1], R[1,2], C[1]], [R[2,0], R[2,1], R[2,2], C[2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
chunk.transform.matrix = S * T.inv() #resulting chunk transformation matrix
print("Script finished")