Hello bmcwilliams,
To export orthophoto in KML/KMZ you need to write the following:
myChunk.exportOrthophoto(pathKMZ, format="kmz", blending="mosaic", dx=0.01, dy=0.01,
blockw=2048, blockh=2048, write_kml=True, write_world=False)
So the first thing is to change export format argument to "kmz" and another - to specify the export resolution. For projected coordinate systems it is in meters and for WGS84 - in degrees. 2048 - was too high.
And as for the model export you should use the following:
myChunk.model.save(pathKMZ, format="kmz", texture_format="png", export_texture=True,
export_normals=False, export_cameras=False)
But please update PhotoScan Pro 0.9.1 to the latest build (1640). Please also note that tif texture export is not supported for KMZ, thus please use jpg or png format.