Hello beauwalker,
You can create custom point cloud export script, for example:
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
chunk = doc.activeChunk
proj = chunk.projection
transform = chunk.transform
cloud = chunk.point_cloud.points
for point in cloud:
if not point.valid:
p_vector = point.coord
if transform:
p_vector.size = 4
p_vector.w = 1
p_vector = transform * p_vector
p_vector.size = 3
p_vector = proj.project(p_vector)
(x, y, z) = p_vector
(r, g, b) = point.color
file.write("{:.5f}".format(x) + "\t{:.5f}".format(y) + "\t{:.4f}".format(z) + "\t" + str(r) + "\t" + str(g) + "\t" + str(b) +"\n")
However, I've just checked the .exportPoint() command and it saves only point cloud with XYZ coordinates, RGB color and Normal vector.