Hi everybody.
I noticed that from Version 1.4.0 there is a new option called "Calibrate Reflectance".
(1) How do I properly apply this to multispectral data?
(2) Is this procedure available from within Python?
We have 6 Reflectance Panels (5%, 10%, 20%, 43%, 55%, 90%) which we put on the ground prior to every multispectral mission (MicaSense RedEdge). See attachement. Note: the targets don't have QR code.
We also do have the calibration sheets for each reflectance panel which give us all the 5x6 Reflectance - CentralWavelength - Combinations possible, see below (2nd attachment)
Up to now, we processed the imagery with Photoscan and calculated the reflectance based on the 6 targets with the empirical line method in GIS afterwards. It would be nice if this process could be handled by Photoscan from now on.
Any help is much appreciated.