I have sequential chunks along a wall that I am trying to align (based on points) and then merge. The chunks do not have common cameras so I can't align based on cameras. Each chunk only overlaps partly with the previous chunk, so to reduce the processing time I want PhotoScan to consider a small subset of the points/cameras for the alignment. I tried disabling the cameras for the part of the wall that I know doesn't overlap, but it still seems to be considering all of the images in the align chunks phase, even the disabled ones. I also tried setting the bounding box to include only the overlap area, but it is still using photos outside the bounding box (i.e. all of the photos in both chunks) so it still takes forever.
So, my question is, how can I get it to align chunks based on points, but only points in the area where I know there is overlap between the chunks?
Thanks in advance.