
Author Topic: First band duplicated in multispectral processing  (Read 4471 times)


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First band duplicated in multispectral processing
« on: January 30, 2018, 05:07:51 PM »
Hi everybody,
and many thanks for the topics of this forum.
I have a problem in exporting multispectral orthophoto: the first two bands have the same values in digital number.
I've checked the results after comparative processings, and I am sure that the band that is repeated is the second one.
So, I lost values of my first band in the exported orthophoto.

I have lots of multispectral data acquired with MAIA Multispectral Camera and for each project I have to duplicate my photoscan project in order to get a model of the first band.

How can I solve or bypass this problem?

Thank you

Giacomo Uguccioni
SAL Engineering - Data Acquisition & Processing