we are working in Vietnam and we need to survey a beach that is unaccesible becuase there is risk of bombs/mines from the 70's war.
Before of deciding a UXO clearance, a topografic survey / mapping is to be done.
The beach is as wide as 1 km and long 2 km and there is a road that is parallel to the beach.
In few words, i can place GCP on the road, on the safe side of the road, but i canno place any marker on the beach.
I have been noticing, using PS Pro, that if you have GCPs well spread, modeling is accurated and Z accuracy is good (5-10 cm or better), but only in the area inscribed INSIDE the GCPs polygon, said GCPs polygon = polygon obtained by connecting all GCPs vertexes.
The model outside the GCPs polygon quickly becomes unreliable and at 100m or less, Z error is already 3-4 m if not more.
Now question is: is there any chance i can obtain a decent DEM in the beach area by placing GCPs outside that beach and only on 1 side? My target is to obtain Z accuracy = 20cm more or less.
Check attachment please ancd see my workaround:
1) i could place many GCPs in the safe area (left of the road) for about 1 km wide area
2) i can perform an acquisition with UAV for the entire area with overlap 90% between photos
3) I can accurately survey many GCPs, but only in the safe area
4) If i use PS Pro, at what distance from the road in the "Bomb area" i could obtain a decent Z accuracy = 10-20 cm?
Following my experience, it looks like that just at 100m on the right of the road there is big error.
Is it possible to improve somehow and have a decent mode upto the shoreline?
Thanks and regards.