To my understanding it is not recomended.
Alignment in Photoscan includes external parameters estimation for cameras along with sensor/lens modeling.
So what's de need of doing lens corrections outide in advance?.
Many lens correction utilities are using simple math models for lenses, neglecting principal point decentering and tangential distortions. The photogrammetric corrections are referred to the principal point which is the point of best symetry in the the distortion distribution across the frame. If your photos have already been corrected under a simple lens model asumption, it might become uncertain the estimation of this center to which is referred the lens parameterization that Photoscan will apply.
That said, I suppose the answer would have been its just fine, if the lens corrections to be applied in advance have been calculated by a highly accurate photogrammetric approach and the zero distortion lens model is set as fixed prior to alignment.
It would be nice to read Alexey's veredict on the matter.