Hello Lads,
I came across this post under a, 'rock art', search. I hope you don't mind me butting in?
I (well, the colleague I am helping who is not a native Eng speaker) am similarly hoping to trace paintings from a large rock panel in a cave using, 'corel draw'. We have already built a pretty crisp textured model and are now wondering what the next step should be?
As in your case, Mark, the surface is complex and the end product would show the shape of the model with only the tracing on top.
Apologies for this unrefined description, but, I was wondering if exporting an .obj into a mesh ed app then 'unrolling' the concave surface of the rock wall to become a flat, 2D image to trace would be ideal? Or would that distort the paintings?
Thank you in advance,
I watched your youtube animation from Guam, Mark, very impressive!! How did you create that?