
Author Topic: saving as  (Read 3001 times)


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« on: April 09, 2018, 11:51:39 PM »
Currently using version 1.4.1 and running a network server on a High-Performance Computing Cluster currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Release 7.4. I am using python scripting to submit task such as, match photos, align cameras, build depth maps, and build dense cloud, to the server and when that last finalization step for align cameras is about happen, progress is usually at 99.5% I get an error that says it cant load projections and quickly after that I get an error that states it "cant open file: no such file or directory" and gives the path to the "" file. Upon further inspection I found that that file had been saved with a .tmp extension. When I try to open the file via the GUI it tells me there is no XML data. The only resolution that I've found to work is reinstalling PhotoScan which is a pain and even then that fix only works for about a day or so. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
