I'm new to PhotoScan and this forum.
I've chosen to try it because it is the only photogrammetry software that runs under Linux.
I use a Sequoia multispectral camera for forest mapping and diagnostics.
A few months ago, I did quick tests with 1.3.4 (demo version). I were able to load the 4 TIFF bands (multispectral mode) in one chunk, and the RGB in another chunk. Then I could align pictures, build mesh and texture, for each chunk separately. It was a good beginning, but I didn't have time to go further.
Now I try to test the complete workflow with the latest version (1.4.1) and the trial licence.
I can load the same pictures the same way as with 1.3.4, but can't align them for both chunk. After a few seconds, the process stops with error message "Null photo" !!
Do you know what happens ?
Could you help me ?
Best regards.