While processing a number of somewhat larger data sets (between 150 and 1000 photographs) I noticed that in many cases I can not achieve what I want because PhotoScan tries to do more than I want. Sounds odd? It's not.
What I really need in most cases is a dense point cloud. When giving PhotoScan the task to create a model, it computes such a dense point cloud, no problem, even at high resolution with hundreds of photographs.
The problem is that there is no way to stop the process right there and save/export this dense point cloud. Instead, PhotoScan goes on to try and create a meshed model, and this is the processing step which (for large data sets) requires a lot of memory and a lot of time. And in most cases, I am not able to process at more that low or medium resolution (in arbitrary mode) because PhotoScan runs out of memory. Why can't I save the dense point cloud? It's frustrating to see in the programme console that a dense point cloud with several hundred million points was successfully created, but then the programme quits because it wants another few dozen GB of RAM to create a meshed model which I do not need!
I suspect that many users of PhotoScan want a dense point cloud rather than a meshed model, because this would be much more suitable for post-processing with other software (e.g. to apply vegetation filtering).
It would be very great if there was an option to create only the dense point cloud (at the known resolution steps of lowest, low, medium, high and ultra) but skip creating the mesh. That way, it would be possible to achieve higher resolution results in less time with less RAM. At the very least, the dense point cloud should be saved to a temporary file before the meshing is attempted.