Problem:Coordinates of a PointCloud do not match the local coordinates enforced by markers.
ContextRecently I set out to create an orthomosaic of a solar panel field.
Whilst doing this I wanted to be able to select tie points according to local coordinates.
To achieve this I set local coordinates with markers, as can be seen here
Then, I run the following script to select all tie points with an
x and
y coordinate of ±1 relative to the origin.
doc =
chunk = doc.chunk
point_cloud = chunk.point_cloud
points = point_cloud.points
x = 0
y = 0
offset = 1
selected_points = []
for point in points:
if point.coord[0] < (x + offset) \
and point.coord[0] > (x - offset) \
and point.coord[1] < (y + offset) \
and point.coord[1] > (y - offset):
point.selected = True
Executing this code in the PhotoScan console does not select tie points near the origin defined by markers.
Instead, points are selected at a seemingly arbitrary location (see
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
NoteI have already tried clicking the 'Update' button in the Reference pane.
The same question remained unanswered in