I'm trying to import camera's of which I know the location and orientation.
My camera calibration file "extrinsics.txt" contains X,Y,Z and Pitch,Yaw,Roll and looks like this:
160865296_0_0.png 202228 503600 1620.77 -4.71239e-05 -0.000553269 1.57166
160965118_0_0.png 202233 502477 1618.94 0.000794125 0.000572468 4.70667
160865298_0_0.png 202651 503600 1621.07 0.000101229 -0.00047473 1.57178
160965116_0_0.png 202657 502474 1618.79 0.00010821 0.000572468 4.70528
160865300_0_0.png 203067 503601 1620.81 0.000277507 -0.000298451 1.57371
160965114_0_0.png 203074 502472 1618.99 -0.000699877 0.000486947 4.70772
Per camera I have a calibration file like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I Try to combine this information with the following script:
import os
import PhotoScan
from glob import glob
# settings for this project
ext_path = "camera_extrinsics/extrinsics.txt"
img_dir = "images_no_subs/"
int_dir = "camera_intrinsics/"
out_path = "photoscan_out/project.psx"
# new project
doc = PhotoScan.app.document
# new chunk
chunk = doc.addChunk()
# load extrinsics
# label used in file is equal to img_path
chunk.loadReference( ext_path )
# load images and intrinsics
img_list = os.listdir( img_dir )
int_list = os.listdir( int_dir )
for img_path, int_path in zip( img_list, int_list ):
# load image
# camera = chunk.AddCamera()
camera = chunk.addCamera()
camera.open( os.path.join( img_dir, img_path ) )
# link extrinsics to image by making the label equal
camera.label = img_path
# load intrinsics
calibration = PhotoScan.Calibration()
calibration.load( os.path.join( int_dir, int_path ) )
sensor = chunk.addSensor()
sensor.user_calib = calibration
# link intrinsics to image by setting label equal (perhaps not necessary?)
sensor.label = img_path
# link intrinsics to image by assigning to camera
camera.sensor = sensor
# now that we loaded all data,
# start processing
chunk.matchPhotos( accuracy=PhotoScan.HighAccuracy, generic_preselection=True, reference_preselection=False )
#chunk.buildDepthMaps( quality = PhotoScan.LowQuality, filter = PhotoScan.AggressiveFiltering )
#chunk.buildDenseCloud( point_colors = True )
# now that we're done processing,
# store the results
doc.save( out_path )
However, this results in an image size mismatch error.
Am I approaching this in the correct way?
What does the image size mismatch mean?
All my images have the same size.
Any help is much appreciated.