
Author Topic: Lens Calibration in 1.43  (Read 2976 times)


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Lens Calibration in 1.43
« on: July 28, 2018, 04:10:26 AM »
Hi All

As quite a new user, one of the main frustrating things I find is the lack of education material to help with photogrammetry (UAV specifically) in regard to camera calibration.

We have a Phantom 4 Pro, M210 with X4S and Yuneec H520, and although using any of these gives us good results in Pro, I struggle in the technicalities surrounding lens calibration within the software, to call our cameras "calibrated". Various searches of the web point to some articles and peer related stuff which is ideal for people with a great in-depth knowledge. I appreciate this is quite a technical subject, but would welcome any step by step help or protocols for calibration so I can get my head round it.

Thank you