
Author Topic: Option to show all selection and transform icons (No Drop-Down Menus)  (Read 6502 times)


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Although the new drop-down menus for selection and transform modes LOOK great, it was much quicker to be able to click on the desired icon.  Now you have to click twice...once to drop down the menu and then a second time to pick the mode.  The menu bar is not really that crowded, so to force these items into drop-downs to save some horizontal space, for me, is not worth the added clicks.  It was much faster and intuitive for me the old way.  Can we get an option to use the old UI where the icons are simply laid out across the top and not buried inside drop-downs?  Thanks!


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Re: Option to show all selection and transform icons (No Drop-Down Menus)
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2018, 09:09:09 PM »
in my opinion some recent GUI changes have been bad moves. There is plenty space in most of our screens so I see no reason for what appears to me a bit obsessive minimalism. The new dropdowns are cumbersome... but also, have you ever seen a program with two identical buttons side by side but with different functions?

Sorry, friends, YOU NEED TO start taking seriously a redesign of the GUI. This is a crucial aspect in software development and you have been almost disregarding it since years. I know that you are reluctant to radical changes, me too, but there are many thing that can be done without driving your users crazy.
With all my respect (you know that): Design is not one of your skills, admit that you feel happy diving into endless code windows and frightening things like LaTex. Admit that you think that users don't care so much about the beauty and often get used to the bumps of the road. But may be your are wrong at this point.
I suggest you to take the money you obtain in the next 4 professional licenses and pay someone. Please, hire an expert in user interface development, and tell him/her ask your average users (around the world, not just at home) before choosing.
Example: Years ago I suggested you to modify cursor icon appearance according to active mode or tool... You did right but only while dragging markers on photo... but why only then? Dont you see it as a huge advantage in many other circumnstances?
Kindest regards
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 09:21:03 PM by JMR »

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Option to show all selection and transform icons (No Drop-Down Menus)
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2018, 05:04:34 PM »
Hello JMR,
Have you already checked the modern themes of the GUI (Light and Dark)?
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Option to show all selection and transform icons (No Drop-Down Menus)
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2018, 11:18:42 AM »
Yes, and honestly in my humble opinion they're not better than the classic in any sense. I'm sorry.
The use of monochrome pallete for buttons is not an improvement in my opinion. With all respect, I insist, the user interface requires a strong facelift.


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Where is the option in Metashape and also photoscan 1.4.5 to lay out tools side by side for working like I am so used to in photoscan 1.2.6 ?
since using Metashape and Photoscan 1.4.5 I am finding my speed of navigating and working seriously impeded by having to carefully select a little black arrow each time I want a different tool, I go scale rotate move scale region then rotate object move object and so on very quickly and now I cannot, how do we get the separate tools to be separate again, there is all this vast empty grey bar for them to all be easily picked from as they were in 1.2.6 and they are now in drop down lists requiring fiddly selection of a black arrow then selecting the tool, its double the selection time with slowing down on hitting the black arrow ,and its taking ages, I could work so fast but not now. Its as if someone thought isn't that slick to have them in little drop downs but its impractical ! Messing about waiting for processes takes up our life but please can we gain time and have the easy access tools back.

I have looked in preferences for an option to distribute them on toolbar but found nothing.

I dont want to revert to photoscan just for the decent tool layout.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 11:10:29 PM by Steve003 »


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option to distribute tool icons for fast working along toolbar.
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2019, 05:09:49 PM »
Accessing tools by having to slow down and click on a little black triangle then select from a tiny icon when switching between region modifying tools and also object modifying tools makes for very slow working, all that empty grey bar to place them in as well making the picky tedious drop down lists unecessary. .  Can we have an option to distribute them along the bar instead for faster working or just in a version update lay them out there anyway, no one will mind I would think seeing the tools all to hand and being faster to access anyway. Also maybe different colour for the object tools than for the region tools as they can be a bit similar.


Alexey Pasumansky

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Hello Steve,

I've merged your request to the existing thread related to the same topic.

As a workaround I can suggest to assign the keyboard shortcuts to the most frequently used instruments.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC