Thanks for your detailed information, RalfH. And sorry to get back to you late.
After studying what you mentioned the xml file format, the only xml format I can find is the output from the tools> export > export cameras... Is this the xml format you mentioned?
If so, I checked the content in this xml file. The calibration part is the internal camera calibration parameters like focal length, principle point, etc. So is the "Transform" section is the external calibration?
I compared values with the Omega, Phi, Kappa output values, I assume in the Transform section, the value order is r11, r12, r13, x, r21, r22, r23, y, r31, r32, r33, z.
So do you think this is the right assumption just by looking at values? I can't see any values for rotation angles Omega, Phi, Kappa.
P.S. RalfH, we are taking photos of different known objects using this 18-camera setup, and we have written a program to do external measurement. This still is a on-going process. Once we get this step done, I can share what I got.
Thanks for helping!