
Author Topic: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release  (Read 233565 times)

Dmitry Semyonov

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Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« on: October 06, 2018, 09:16:20 PM »
Pre-release version of Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 (former PhotoScan) is available for download.

Metashape inherits all the professional photogrammetric kit features from PhotoScan and offers some more to enrich your experience into the space of intelligent photogrammetry.

The release is planned for the end of 2018. Product update will be free and smooth as usual PhotoScan version updates.

This pre-release is considered as unstable and is not recommended for production use.

To try cloud processing support (requires Professional edition license) please register at

Please let us know if you have any problems using this version.

This topic will be removed when the final 1.5.0 version is released.

Project files created with 1.5.0 version can't be opened with earlier versions.

Metashape 1.5.0 build 7492 was finally released. Thank you for useful feedback.

Please use the links on the main Metashape page for download:
Download Installers
« Last Edit: December 31, 2018, 08:20:40 PM by Dmitry Semyonov »
With best regards,
Dmitry Semyonov


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2018, 09:59:33 PM »
I tried to register for Cloud Processing but I meet a problem in the register page.

I checked the "I agree with User's agreement" checkbox

I used Chrome and Internet Explorer, both of them shows the message asking me to agree although I have already checked the box.

I can do it with Microsoft Edge ^_^
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 10:12:48 PM by rexsham »

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2018, 10:17:32 PM »
Hello rexsham,

Thank you for reporting. We'll check what is the issue.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2018, 07:41:14 AM »
What's the meaning of "Refine Seamlines" ?


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2018, 10:12:32 AM »
Is there a readme-File for the planed or already included changes, compared to the aktual version?
--> Done. I was blind. Sorry
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 10:23:01 AM by 3DFranz »


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2018, 10:23:09 AM »

The changelog file tells you what has been included/changed



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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2018, 12:32:12 PM »
I think that in Animation the user should have the option to define the view height.


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2018, 03:28:59 PM »
Any additional information on the Cloud Processing functionality?

Will this be a 'free' feature available to those possessing a Professional License or will it be paid add-on? Besides what are the anticipated advantages for user's to process in the cloud? Is it expected to shorten processing time or only for those user's that are running a low-end system locally themselves? How will it compare to processing locally using a medium to high-end workstation, will it still be faster then?

Also, what about user control over the processing workflow? Does one remain fully in control of all processing steps and subsequent parameters or is all of the processing done autonomously by the system itself based on default pre-defined settings?

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2018, 04:11:13 PM »
Hello BobvdMeij,

Technically the cloud processing is similar to the network processing - you enable the Cloud in the Network preferences dialog, then open the project and configure the batch process or run some processing operation. After that (if the operation supports processing on a cloud, for example, the export can be performed locally only) you'll be asked, if the operation should be processed in the cloud. Providing that you accept that, the data will be first synchronized with the cloud and then processed with the user-defined settings. After the operation is completed the project will be synchronized with the cloud again.
You do not need to have Metashape GUI opened while the cloud processing is in progress, but in order to synchronize the project with the cloud you need to open the same project in GUI again.

In terms of the processing time - it is hard to say, as some time will be spent for the data synchronization and it could be quite long in case of very large projects. So mostly this feature would might be helpful for those who cannot process the data locally due to hardware limitations.

Currently the cloud is working in test mode and is free for the Professional license owners. However, after the testing is finished the cloud processing would be likely converted to paid service with the plans configurable in the user's account on the Agisoft Cloud page.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2018, 06:45:44 PM »
Dear Dmitry,

i am trying to do orthomosaic with option Refine Seamlines activated. After processing, I get error message and nothing is creted:

2018-10-08 10:31:21 Agisoft Metashape Professional Version: 1.5.0 build 6957 (64 bit)
2018-10-08 10:31:21 Platform: Windows
2018-10-08 10:31:21 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (laptop)
2018-10-08 10:31:21 CPU family: 6 model: 58 signature: 306A9h
2018-10-08 10:31:21 RAM: 16.0 GB
2018-10-08 10:31:22 OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
2018-10-08 10:31:22 OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 670MX/PCIe/SSE2
2018-10-08 10:31:22 OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 411.63
2018-10-08 10:31:22 Maximum Texture Size: 16384
2018-10-08 10:31:22 Quad Buffered Stereo: not enabled
2018-10-08 10:31:22 ARB_vertex_buffer_object: supported
2018-10-08 10:31:22 ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: supported
2018-10-08 10:31:22 Warning: PhotoScan module is deprecated, use Metashape module instead
2018-10-08 10:31:52 LoadProject: path = C:/Users/paul.pelletier/Documents/3_Deseos/3deseos15.psx
2018-10-08 10:31:52 Loading project...
2018-10-08 10:31:52 loaded project in 0.461 sec
2018-10-08 10:31:52 Finished processing in 0.465 sec (exit code 1)
2018-10-08 10:34:01 Finished processing in 0 sec (exit code 1)
2018-10-08 10:34:40 Finished processing in 0 sec (exit code 1)
2018-10-08 10:35:13 checking for missing images... done in 0 sec
2018-10-08 10:35:13 Finished processing in 0 sec (exit code 1)
2018-10-08 10:35:13 BuildOrthomosaic: projection = WGS 84 / UTM zone 14N +  GGM2010 geoid height, surface = DEM, blending mode = Mosaic, refine seamlines = 1, pixel size = 0.07 x 0.07
2018-10-08 10:35:13 Generating orthomosaic...
2018-10-08 10:35:13 Analyzing DEM...
2018-10-08 10:35:13 estimating tile boundaries... done in 0.769 sec
2018-10-08 10:35:14 generating 37928x25257 orthomosaic (10 levels, 0 resolution)
2018-10-08 10:35:14 selected 265 cameras
2018-10-08 10:35:14 Orthorectifying images...
2018-10-08 10:35:14 Orthorectifying 265 images
2018-10-08 10:35:57 IMG_4237.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 689x350
2018-10-08 10:36:03 IMG_4238.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 956x925
2018-10-08 10:36:33 IMG_4278.JPG: 7314x8614 -> 701x1102
2018-10-08 10:36:35 IMG_4280.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 1894x1722
2018-10-08 10:36:35 IMG_4279.JPG: 7314x8614 -> 869x879
2018-10-08 10:36:39 IMG_4282.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2352x1709
2018-10-08 10:36:40 IMG_4284.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2670x2103
2018-10-08 10:36:40 IMG_4285.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2819x2410
2018-10-08 10:36:40 IMG_4283.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2569x2048
2018-10-08 10:36:40 IMG_4281.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2143x1739
2018-10-08 10:36:46 IMG_4286.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2224x1703
2018-10-08 10:36:49 IMG_4287.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2470x1965
2018-10-08 10:36:49 IMG_4288.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2303x1831
2018-10-08 10:36:51 IMG_4289.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2546x1964
2018-10-08 10:36:51 IMG_4292.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2791x2301
2018-10-08 10:36:52 IMG_4291.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2244x1490
2018-10-08 10:36:52 IMG_4293.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2556x2120
2018-10-08 10:36:53 IMG_4290.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 1939x1488
2018-10-08 10:36:56 IMG_4294.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2463x1740
2018-10-08 10:36:59 IMG_4295.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2266x1662
2018-10-08 10:37:01 IMG_4296.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2576x2010
2018-10-08 10:37:02 IMG_4300.JPG: 7315x7314 -> 674x773
2018-10-08 10:37:03 IMG_4298.JPG: 7315x9216 -> 1539x943
2018-10-08 10:37:04 IMG_4299.JPG: 7315x9216 -> 1421x1230
2018-10-08 10:37:05 IMG_4297.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 1733x1440
2018-10-08 10:37:11 IMG_4335.JPG: 7315x7314 -> 391x789
2018-10-08 10:37:14 IMG_4336.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 1721x2107
2018-10-08 10:37:15 IMG_4337.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2057x2238
2018-10-08 10:37:16 IMG_4339.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2509x2321
2018-10-08 10:37:18 IMG_4338.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2790x2369
2018-10-08 10:37:19 IMG_4341.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2625x2318
2018-10-08 10:37:21 IMG_4340.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3072x2634
2018-10-08 10:37:23 IMG_4342.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3028x2546
2018-10-08 10:37:24 IMG_4344.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3075x2719
2018-10-08 10:37:24 IMG_4345.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2577x2283
2018-10-08 10:37:25 IMG_4343.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2773x2549
2018-10-08 10:37:28 IMG_4347.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2548x2351
2018-10-08 10:37:28 IMG_4346.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2946x2630
2018-10-08 10:37:31 IMG_4348.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2852x2472
2018-10-08 10:37:33 IMG_4349.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3164x2695
2018-10-08 10:37:34 IMG_4351.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2468x2397
2018-10-08 10:37:35 IMG_4353.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2948x2978
2018-10-08 10:37:36 IMG_4350.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3806x3220
2018-10-08 10:37:38 IMG_4355.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2243x2367
2018-10-08 10:37:39 IMG_4352.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3230x2756
2018-10-08 10:37:40 IMG_4354.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2815x2396
2018-10-08 10:37:40 IMG_4356.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 1351x1723
2018-10-08 10:37:50 IMG_4365.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2786x3386
2018-10-08 10:37:52 IMG_4364.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2096x3265
2018-10-08 10:37:52 IMG_4366.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3488x3752
2018-10-08 10:37:54 IMG_4367.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3791x4110
2018-10-08 10:37:58 IMG_4368.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3759x4132
2018-10-08 10:37:59 IMG_4369.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3859x3924
2018-10-08 10:38:00 IMG_4371.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 4107x3668
2018-10-08 10:38:00 IMG_4370.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3799x4153
2018-10-08 10:38:00 IMG_4372.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3252x3916
2018-10-08 10:38:04 IMG_4373.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 4037x4241
2018-10-08 10:38:08 IMG_4374.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 4052x4302
2018-10-08 10:38:10 IMG_4375.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 4122x3911
2018-10-08 10:38:11 IMG_4376.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3402x3988
2018-10-08 10:38:11 IMG_4378.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3234x3945
2018-10-08 10:38:14 IMG_4380.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3317x3940
2018-10-08 10:38:14 IMG_4377.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 4151x3717
2018-10-08 10:38:15 IMG_4381.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3927x4192
2018-10-08 10:38:16 IMG_4379.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 4031x3904
2018-10-08 10:38:20 IMG_4382.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3392x4032
2018-10-08 10:38:21 IMG_4383.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3523x3950
2018-10-08 10:38:23 IMG_4384.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2447x3308
2018-10-08 10:38:25 IMG_4385.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2033x2950
2018-10-08 10:38:33 IMG_4412.JPG: 7315x9216 -> 491x988
2018-10-08 10:38:35 IMG_4414.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2589x3527
2018-10-08 10:38:36 IMG_4416.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3105x3780
2018-10-08 10:38:36 IMG_4417.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3482x4032
2018-10-08 10:38:36 IMG_4415.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3285x3793
2018-10-08 10:38:37 IMG_4413.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 2082x3291
2018-10-08 10:38:38 IMG_4418.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3169x3860
2018-10-08 10:38:41 IMG_4419.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3385x3988
2018-10-08 10:38:43 IMG_4420.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3425x4031
2018-10-08 10:38:45 IMG_4421.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3238x3827
2018-10-08 10:38:47 IMG_4425.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3041x3811
2018-10-08 10:38:49 IMG_4423.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3276x4051
2018-10-08 10:38:49 IMG_4424.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3757x4041
2018-10-08 10:38:51 IMG_4422.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3445x3936
2018-10-08 10:38:51 IMG_4426.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3507x4024
2018-10-08 10:38:51 IMG_4427.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3355x3946
2018-10-08 10:38:56 IMG_4429.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3140x3889
2018-10-08 10:38:56 IMG_4428.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3483x3939
2018-10-08 10:38:58 IMG_4430.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3292x3933
2018-10-08 10:39:00 IMG_4434.JPG: 6072x9216 -> 1381x2673
2018-10-08 10:39:01 IMG_4431.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3492x3865
2018-10-08 10:39:02 IMG_4432.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2949x3467
2018-10-08 10:39:03 IMG_4433.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2084x3170
2018-10-08 10:39:10 IMG_4442.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2002x2925
2018-10-08 10:39:13 IMG_4443.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2720x3466
2018-10-08 10:39:14 IMG_4446.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3665x4048
2018-10-08 10:39:14 IMG_4445.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3834x4060
2018-10-08 10:39:15 IMG_4444.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3208x4228
2018-10-08 10:39:17 IMG_4447.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3770x4131
2018-10-08 10:39:21 IMG_4448.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 4003x4355
2018-10-08 10:39:22 IMG_4449.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3982x4096
2018-10-08 10:39:23 IMG_4450.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3750x4122
2018-10-08 10:39:23 IMG_4451.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3970x4196
2018-10-08 10:39:24 IMG_4452.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3717x4052
2018-10-08 10:39:27 IMG_4453.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3928x4130
2018-10-08 10:39:28 IMG_4454.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3699x4042
2018-10-08 10:39:32 IMG_4455.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3899x4198
2018-10-08 10:39:34 IMG_4456.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3904x4091
2018-10-08 10:39:35 IMG_4457.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3991x4137
2018-10-08 10:39:36 IMG_4458.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3729x4159
2018-10-08 10:39:37 IMG_4462.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 3148x3281
2018-10-08 10:39:38 IMG_4459.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3943x4099
2018-10-08 10:39:39 IMG_4461.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3940x3945
2018-10-08 10:39:39 IMG_4460.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3773x4049
2018-10-08 10:39:42 IMG_4463.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2739x2899
2018-10-08 10:39:45 IMG_4464.JPG: 9216x6972 -> 1241x1940
2018-10-08 10:39:47 IMG_4484.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 1281x1386
2018-10-08 10:39:47 IMG_4483.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 334x683
2018-10-08 10:39:49 IMG_4485.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2546x3286
2018-10-08 10:39:52 IMG_4486.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 3165x3483
2018-10-08 10:39:52 IMG_4487.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2899x3657
2018-10-08 10:39:54 IMG_4489.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 3323x3839
2018-10-08 10:39:55 IMG_4488.JPG: 9216x6972 -> 3582x4014
2018-10-08 10:39:58 IMG_4490.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3417x3902
2018-10-08 10:39:59 IMG_4491.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3311x3916
2018-10-08 10:40:00 IMG_4493.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3079x3761
2018-10-08 10:40:01 IMG_4492.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3616x3985
2018-10-08 10:40:03 IMG_4494.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3500x4002
2018-10-08 10:40:03 IMG_4495.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3378x3918
2018-10-08 10:40:05 IMG_4496.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3444x3915
2018-10-08 10:40:06 IMG_4497.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3147x3864
2018-10-08 10:40:10 IMG_4498.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3565x3991
2018-10-08 10:40:11 IMG_4499.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2964x3692
2018-10-08 10:40:12 IMG_4500.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3408x3850
2018-10-08 10:40:14 IMG_4501.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3039x3707
2018-10-08 10:40:14 IMG_4502.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3371x3771
2018-10-08 10:40:14 IMG_4504.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2246x3222
2018-10-08 10:40:15 IMG_4505.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 1272x2442
2018-10-08 10:40:15 IMG_4503.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 2931x3421
2018-10-08 10:40:22 IMG_4515.JPG: 7314x6029 -> 2827x3429
2018-10-08 10:40:23 IMG_4513.JPG: 7314x7771 -> 1281x1721
2018-10-08 10:40:24 IMG_4514.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 2603x3438
2018-10-08 10:40:28 IMG_4516.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3695x3983
2018-10-08 10:40:28 IMG_4518.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3620x4001
2018-10-08 10:40:28 IMG_4517.JPG: 9216x6029 -> 4134x3814
2018-10-08 10:40:30 IMG_4519.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3941x3854
2018-10-08 10:40:31 IMG_4520.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3838x4031
2018-10-08 10:40:31 IMG_4521.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 3958x3918
2018-10-08 10:40:35 IMG_4522.JPG: 9216x7314 -> 3871x4076
2018-10-08 10:40:35 IMG_4523.JPG: 7314x8057 -> 3745x3947
2018-10-08 10:40:39 IMG_4526.JPG: 9216x6300 -> 3917x3905
2018-10-08 10:40:40 IMG_4524.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3942x4034
2018-10-08 10:40:41 IMG_4528.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 4050x3762
2018-10-08 10:40:42 IMG_4529.JPG: 9216x6972 -> 3824x4076
2018-10-08 10:40:42 IMG_4527.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 3867x4110
2018-10-08 10:40:42 IMG_4525.JPG: 9216x9216 -> 3904x4111
2018-10-08 10:40:44 IMG_4530.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 3964x3870
2018-10-08 10:40:45 IMG_4531.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 3668x4102
2018-10-08 10:40:47 IMG_4536.JPG: 6671x3314 -> 2618x2501
2018-10-08 10:40:48 IMG_4533.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2448x3345
2018-10-08 10:40:49 IMG_4534.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2206x2577
2018-10-08 10:40:49 IMG_4532.JPG: 9216x6971 -> 3095x3784
2018-10-08 10:40:51 IMG_4535.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2387x3103
2018-10-08 10:40:52 IMG_4537.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2971x3461
2018-10-08 10:40:53 IMG_4540.JPG: 3657x6300 -> 2747x3045
2018-10-08 10:40:54 IMG_4539.JPG: 6671x6971 -> 3035x3046
2018-10-08 10:40:54 IMG_4538.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 2798x3219
2018-10-08 10:40:56 IMG_4541.JPG: 7314x6300 -> 2930x3495
2018-10-08 10:40:56 IMG_4542.JPG: 7314x6300 -> 2998x3321
2018-10-08 10:40:57 IMG_4543.JPG: 7314x6300 -> 2939x3266
2018-10-08 10:40:58 IMG_4546.JPG: 7314x3657 -> 2816x3051
2018-10-08 10:40:58 IMG_4544.JPG: 7314x4400 -> 2923x3379
2018-10-08 10:40:59 IMG_4545.JPG: 7314x4400 -> 2847x3213
2018-10-08 10:41:03 IMG_4547.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2867x3107
2018-10-08 10:41:03 IMG_4548.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2791x3218
2018-10-08 10:41:04 IMG_4554.JPG: 7314x4114 -> 591x1209
2018-10-08 10:41:05 IMG_4552.JPG: 7314x6029 -> 2105x2611
2018-10-08 10:41:05 IMG_4550.JPG: 7314x6029 -> 2888x3243
2018-10-08 10:41:05 IMG_4549.JPG: 7314x7314 -> 2911x3010
2018-10-08 10:41:07 IMG_4551.JPG: 9216x6029 -> 3073x3017
2018-10-08 10:41:08 IMG_4553.JPG: 7314x9216 -> 1832x2658
2018-10-08 10:41:11 IMG_4585.JPG: 7314x6971 -> 832x1121
2018-10-08 10:41:11 Finished orthorectification in 357.137 sec
2018-10-08 10:41:11 selected 21 tiles
2018-10-08 10:41:11 selected 21 tiles
2018-10-08 10:41:11 Updating partition...
2018-10-08 10:41:11 8 of 8 processed in 0.055 sec
2018-10-08 10:41:12 Finished processing in 358.84 sec (exit code 0)
2018-10-08 10:41:12 Error: Can't create file: El sistema no puede encontrar la ruta especificada (3): /seamlines/tile-0-3-p.png

I guess my problem is that the Metashape Python 3 module is not installed. How do we install such a module after downloading the file for Windows 64?
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 06:51:20 PM by Paulo »
Best Regards,
Paul Pelletier,

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2018, 07:14:04 PM »
Hello Paul,

Does the orthomosaic generation works properly on the same project with the  "Refine Seamlines" option disabled? Also please check if the processing is running properly, if you enable Fine-level Task distribution for orthomosaic generation in the Network Preferences tab.

And you do not need to install Metashape Python module, it's only necessary for integration of Metashape functionality to some custom stand-alone Python scripts in order to work without a need of running Metashape application (neither in GUI, nor in headless mode).
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 07:24:48 PM by Alexey Pasumansky »
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2018, 07:36:39 PM »
Dear Alexey,

Yes I do get same error without Refine Seamlines option,,,see attached log file
Best Regards,
Paul Pelletier,

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2018, 07:38:45 PM »
Hello Paulo,

OK, it seems I've managed to reproduce the problem. Meanwhile I suggest to enable Fine-level task distribution for the orthomosaic generation in the Network Preferences tab and see, if it helps.
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC


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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2018, 08:02:37 PM »
Thanks Alexey,

ye I did try with fine level task for ortomosaic and got a result using Refine Seamlines option. Of course it takes a longer time as it does many iterations to refine the seam linesā€¦

However the result is not great as I would expect it to avoid building structures in seam lines path but in attached screen copy, it shows that it passes thru a lot of buildingsā€¦.
Best Regards,
Paul Pelletier,

Alexey Pasumansky

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Re: Agisoft Metashape 1.5.0 pre-release
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2018, 08:35:15 PM »
Hello Paul,

Refine Seamlines feature in general case assumes that the orthorectification is based on the DTM. Can you post the screenshot for the same area of the DEM view?
Best regards,
Alexey Pasumansky,
Agisoft LLC