
Author Topic: Multispectral Orthomosaic Export using Python Script  (Read 3654 times)


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Multispectral Orthomosaic Export using Python Script
« on: October 10, 2018, 10:32:24 PM »

I am working on a custom multispectral images dataset. The RGB images is taken from Allied Vision Manta Camera and FLIR A65X is used to capture an infra red image. Both cameras are time synchronised.

I am able to import the project using the python API and compute the dense clouds, model and orthomosaic. Now i have some doubt in the exporting of orthomosaic. I use the following code snippet for this purpose.

Code: [Select]
chunk.raster_transform.formula = ["B4"]
chunk.raster_transform.enabled = True
chunk.raster_transform.palette = "Gray"
            orhtopfadtiff1 = save_path +"ortho_ir_"+qual +".tif"
            chunk.exportOrthomosaic(path = image_path, image_format = PS.ImageFormat.ImageFormatTIFF,
                            raster_transform = PS.RasterTransformType.RasterTransformPalette)

B4 is the fourth band which is the infrared band for this project. The mosaic which is printed has Heatmap as the color palette. I guess one sets the palette using this line

Code: [Select]
chunk.raster_transform.palette = "Gray"

But this is not working it seems. What i understand from the Python API that "raster_transform.palette" is a dict. I want to know what values are possible to assign to this variable.

Finally I want to have "Gray scale" mosaic for the B4 band.

Thanks in advance.